Friday, October 8, 2010

BLOG Changes PLUS Girls Night Out

So, I've decided to switch this blog up a bit. Originally, it was intended only as a place to blog about my "Honoring our Heroes" project, but I've decided that instead of having 4 blogs, I'm going to condense it down to 2. I will keep the "Learning As I Go" which is dedicated for other photographers. The purpose of this blog will be to basically share ALL of my projects and telling the story behind them, including Scrappin It For You, my original business (which needs a new hosting site).

So I'm going to start this "new" blog out to share my experiences last night at "Girls Night Out". This bi-annual event is one of the biggest events for the ladies of Kitsap County. It is a fundraiser for Breast Cancer Awareness. This was my first time as a vendor and a sponsor at this event. I was also honored to be the official "Event Photographer" which included having MY NAME ON THE BAGS!! Eeek!! I was SOOO Excited about that!

I normally have a tendency on 'going overboard' at these functions and I spend lots of money and make all this stuff and I told myself that I wasnt going to do that this year. And I think I did pretty good! I gave out 100 postcards, which I got for free, some business card coupons (also free) and I bought little treat bags on clearance at walmart for a few bucks, they happened to be PINK! I contacted my friends who also have businesses and said, help me fill 100 goodie bags with your business info! I also bought 2 bags of dum-dum suckers for $17, not to bad.

I set up my booth with my new banner, some canvas prints, a wedding album, and my portfolio. I also decided to put up a couple of backdrops and offer "Gal Pal Pictures". I bought some boas at Value Village (halloween store). I raffled off a 1 Hr photo shoot, which had 112 entries! AWESOME!

I wore a pink shirt that said "Chicks Rule" and a pink flower in my hair. I even wore pink undergarments ;) If I could have pulled off pink jeans and shoes, I probably would have.

So, as the event photographer, I wanted to capture the moments, tell the stories, of the event. I took pictures of the gals outside the event, some who had been in line for 2 hours before the doors opened. I captured the moments of the first customers coming through the doors. The fashion show put on by Twice Around the Closet. The Zumba demonstration. Vendors interacting with customers. It was a great event. There were thousands of women attending this event to support the cause.

I'm going to post a few of my favorite pictures, but you can see all of the photos on my website or on my Facebook fan page. or

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